
Experiments with VDBs/SDFs for curve/point manipulation.



Curve/point advection via distance from SDF

I’ve been learning how to use volumes/SDFs to attract nearby points. I found that it worked extremely well for shrink wrapping randomly scattered curves around a head mesh, looking almost like a fibreglass surface. Perhaps an improvement would be to only advect the points greater than the SDF boundary, which would keep the interior of the mesh dense with points/curves, rather than hollow.


Cheap wire sag setup

For simple wire sag effects, I usually use the curveu attribute of the resampled curves to create a bend/falloff attribute, pow(@curveu*(1-@curveu),(1/falloff)) usually does the trick.

However this time I wanted to only sag the wires in certain places, e.g. on the more sparse areas of curve distrubution, not the dense parts which define the facial features. By doing a pretty heavy point smooth, then finding the distance from that smoothed @P and the original non-smoothed @P, I could create an attribute map with which to multiply my curveu gradient by.

Attribute map from hell. Smoothness map to define which areas to sag.

Attribute map from hell. Smoothness map to define which areas to sag.

Wire sag using curveu*smooth attrib, subtracted from @P.y.

Wire sag using curveu*smooth attrib, subtracted from @P.y.

Final shot, with wire sag easing in over time. As a cherry on top, you could probably run the curves through a noise modifier prior to the @P.y subtraction, then apply the inverse displacement to put it back in a similar place afterwards. The melting should then flow in some way rather than just directly down.

Final shot, with wire sag easing in over time.

As a cherry on top, you could probably run the curves through a noise modifier prior to the @P.y subtraction, then apply the inverse displacement to put it back in a similar place afterwards. The melting should then flow in some way rather than just directly down.


Cosmic Sludge

